Un-Boring Bible Studies for Kids

Developing ways to connect kids with truth in relevant, engaging, and fun ways.

Are you frustrated with dry and boring Bible curriculums?
Do your kids ever say, “I’m bored! When can we be done?” in the middle of a lesson?

If so, you’ve come to the right place!
We spend hours developing fun, engaging, and relevant content so you don’t have to!

  • Relevant

    Learning WHY the Christian faith is true,
    not just what Christians believe.

  • Fun

    Helping kids remember truth with hands-on activities and active games,
    not just busy work and worksheets.

  • Engaging

    Creating new ways to teach Bible truths,
    not just a sit and listen format.

Who is it for?


Homeschool families

Youth Ministry

Sunday School & Children's Church

Parents • Homeschool families • Youth Ministry • Sunday School & Children's Church •

Featured Products

Young Defenders of Faith:
Apologetics Curriculum

The 6th Sense:
VBS Curriculum

Faith & Bible Investigation:
Learning Bible Study Skills

Direct your children onto the right path,
    and when they are older, they will not leave it.
Proverbs 22:6